Maintenant que la situation au pays parait plus calme, il se peut que certains d'entre vous aient un projet de voyage au pays natal, après un si long temps passé au dehors
Voici ce que j'ai découvert pour vous qui comptez donc rentrer au pays sans en revenir malades: C'est un article en anglais intitulé "Tip for Travellers to the Tropics".
L'article se poursuit comme suit:
I went on my first holiday to the tropics recently. I was
afraid of catching a disease, so I did a bit of research, and
took some precautions. Here are some tips I found useful.
1. Get your shots.
I spent a short time in areas relatively free of mosquito-borne
disease. The key word is 'relatively'. A two week holiday in an
urban area is probably alright. If you're staying for months,
or in an area flagged as dangerous, get your shots well in
advance. Don't leave it until the last minute, as by then it'll
be too late! The drugs need some time to 'kick in', and your
doctor may have to order them in advance.
2. Get an insect repellent.
I made one for mosquitoes by mixing citronella with olive oil.
Citronella is an essential oil (an essence). I rubbed the
mixture on all exposed areas morning and night, and after
washing. Seemed to do the trick. I put too much oil in, I
think, so it smelled a bit. Better that, than being bitten, I
3. Wear long sleeved shirts and trousers.
I also wore socks in bed. Give pests no purchase! Mosquitoes
are just doing what comes naturally; they need your blood to
live. It's just unfortunate that they can pass on parasites
when they bite. Deny them a meal, and the only things you'll
bring back from your holiday are a silly hat and some souvenir
photos. To wear long sleeved garments in bed, you'll need a
room with a fan and air conditioning. No need to set them to
freezing; just cool, with a slight breeze.
4. Air conditioning.
Air conditioning and fans are supposed to deflect mosquitoes,
which is good. Avoid 'going native', and thinking you're as
hardy as the locals. They get malaria and dengue as well, be
sure of that.
5. Use mosquito nets.
Do what you can to keep them at bay. Paranoia is good!
6. Avoid ice and salads
Ice can have faecal coliforms. It depends on what water it's
been made from. Salads can be prepared by low-paid workers
who've forgotten to wash their hands. In Muslim countries, they
often don't use toilet paper, just a hose, so if the staff
haven't been scrupulous about their personal hygiene ...
You may feel self-conscious about refusing. Would you like your
holiday to be spoiled by a spell in hospital, in a Third-world
country, just for the sake of avoiding embarrassment? People
like people who are forthright, so stick to your guns.
7. Don't drink the water.
A country can have a veneer of modernity, but what separates
the men from the boys is the sewage system. The tap water may
not be filtered properly. Drink bottled water, or water you've
boiled yourself. Get a kettle, and boil it up every day, then
put the water in your water bottle in the morning. Easy.
8. Drink plenty of water.
A few sips every so often, rather than a litre in one go.
You'll save on trips to the lavatory!
9. Stay out of the sun.
There's a reason the locals are laid back; it's too hot to run
around like you do at home. Sun tanning is actually skin
damage. Due to ozone layer depletion, you may be getting more
than a golden tan. Who cares if you don't come back home
bronzed? Ladies especially will appreciate this in later years,
when their sisters have leathery skin from roasting on the
beach. Nothing less 'cool' than a white man with sunstroke,
When travelling in the tropics, it's best to be paranoid. I
hope you can still enjoy your holiday!
About The Author: T. O' Donnell is an internet entrepreneur in London, UK.
Bon Voyage!!!!
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